discover inspiring stories, thought-provoking Interviews, & EMPOWERING features tHAT showcase women from all walks of life

Welcome to the vibrant canvas of our fourth volume - which is dedicated to the creativity, resilience and brilliance of women in art.


the editor

I have been photographing portraits and events for around 10 years, the best part of each shoot is meeting people and sharing experiences.

I am proud to be the editor and photographer at Go Inspire Magazine.

MEET chelsea

For 6 years I’ve been writing and interviewing for different media’s across the UK, and I’ve been really lucky to chat to some really inspiring people.

As recent masters graduate it has been amazing to have the chance to write and produce for Go Inspire Mag whenever I can. My all time favourite interview to write for the magazine has been with Jarnéia Richard-Noel - she is so incredibly talented!